Thursday, January 24, 2013

Adora Red

This beautiful Geisha skin is absolutely gorgeous and comes in 4 different skin tones, with some other perks inside.

SUGAR- Mesh Neck Corset
I was very happy to see Sugar making something new and very happy indeed they were mesh neck corsets, comes in so many colors ( Currently wearing Black with red lacing )

Even.flow - Ohmigahd Corset
These festive corsets comes in three different colors blue, green and of course the red I am wearing.


BRACELETS: Curious Kitties & Delicious 
ANTLERS: [ni.ju]
RINGS: Zombie Suicide
HAIR: Magika
PANTS: Rotten Toe
BOOTS: .:KaShOeY:.
TATTOO: Corvus & [trs]
SKIN: Aeva/Heartsick *NEW* 
CORSET: even.flow * Designer Circle *